
Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Wedding: A look back, one week past.

Image from our lovely photographer, Jennifer Juniper.

Paul and I have been married for a little over a week! It's still crazy to me that I'm able to say that. We'd been planning the day for so long--if we're being honest, the planning really began shortly after Paul and I started dating in 2009. We just knew that we'd each found "the one". The day went by much too quickly, but we cherished each second!
Our wonderful photographer has been posting teaser photos every so often on Facebook, and we've loved each and every one so far. I'm very thankful that we'll have these images to remind us of one of the very best days in our lives. But as Paul says, hopefully not the best, since every day will be happier than the last:

It struck me today when I was going over some photos just how much we enjoyed not only the day itself, but the ones leading up to it as well. Elizabeth came down a week before the wedding to help us prepare, and the time we got to spend with her was priceless. The same goes for when Peter, Aunt Beth, Nick, Sarah, John, Vicky, Uncle Brett, Jennifer, Ocean, Michelle, Ross, D.V., and everyone else we don't normally get to see arrived! Having everyone there made the day before the wedding the most fun I've ever had. Now that everyone's gone back home, Paul and I are left missing them.

Thank you to every single person who made our wedding day wonderful. The ones we've already mentioned, and those we get to see every day: Mama, Mario, and Bill. We couldn't have done it without you. <3

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