November is my very favorite month, and so I'm thrilled that it's finally here! There are some really great dates to look forward to during November... my birthday, our dating anniversary, the day Paul proposed, Thanksgiving, and sometimes I even look forward to Black Friday. Not for the shopping, mind you, but for the fun that comes with working that day and the official start to the holiday season!
I think, though, that we are most looking forward to a lot of quality family time this month. We're saddened that we have no family in St. Augustine, and so are thrilled that our brother Peter is coming this weekend. Hopefully Elizabeth and Aunt Beth will come the following weekend, if things work out--fingers crossed!
With all of that fun and family visiting, however, usually comes a lot of eating out, convenience foods, and unhealthy choices. To counteract them (because they're certainly good in moderation!), I've come up with a few goals:

Whenever life gets crazy, drinking water falls to the wayside. This leads to dehydration, water retention, and in my case, causes a whole bunch of other bad effects. I can't forget about it!

2. Meal plan for days that we do not have plans to eat out with family/friends.
We've been meal planning here and there lately, and it has helped SO much! I'd always thought about it, but chocked it up to too much work. Wrong! It's lead to healthier eating, and eating earlier than ten o'clock at night. We love it.

3. Get outside and exercise!
Whether it's yoga on the porch, a nice walk around the neighborhood, or a run to the beach... we need to do it! Breathing the ocean air and stretching our legs is so very important, especially for us couch potatoes. We went on a spontaneous four mile walk the other day, and hope to keep it up in the future.
Are you excited for what November has to bring?
Love this so much. I really need to create a blog. You need to help me you genius you!